I've made a new comic work schedule that should better co-exist with my real life job. Due to this, please know that I can only afford 2 to 3 hours everyday (weekends with additional hours) to work related with Pincervere. I want the comic to have a growing audience and the best way I see of that happening is a more consistent work and post schedule. With related content in-between page releases. So here's the abridged version:
Saturday - page release
Wednesday - character or other related art
Sunday - Video short (Youtube and Tiktok)
This schedule is likely to change 5-6 weeks from now due to a expected real-life work schedule change. I'm going to also be more consistent about any updates to Pincervere and its schedule in case, you know, real life events stall things from time to time.
(Posts will be in MST by the way)